Perth Party Time truly loves this time of year. Its a time of endings and new beginnings, exciting highs with deep feels of melancholy. Our children are blooming and have grown beyond the sweetness of primary school, its time to join the big kids and venture into the new world of High school.
Us mum’s are a mixed bag of emotions during these days. We are exhausted and shout, “hurry up! put that down lets get a move on” There is always so much to do, so many things to buy and think about especially if you are like me and was a greedy mummy monster and decided to have 4 children.
We rush from pillar to post downing coffee and sucking on green drinks trying to be all to everyone and do the job of a village, we do this because our children mean the world to us. For me personally my kids birthday parties where a big celebration. I enjoyed every moment of spoiling them rotten and putting on a big show, I am Jelly Kelly the clown after all. But the school graduation disco party is where things got really serious.
When we host our school graduation parties, discos and events, no stone is left unturned or child left out, there is simply something for everyone. Lets face it kids get bored if they are not entertained and this is why up to the age of 12 our graduation events come with large group games and fun activities, which are really good ice breakers and get kids in the mood for a super fun time. We provide a full range of activities which help the event flow and keep your guests busy and out of mischief.
Give us a call and find out more about our extraordinary school graduation service for year 6 students.